Registered Dietitian
A Registered Dietitian provides the Dietary and Nutrition services. You may be referred to the Dietitian by any member of the team or you may request services on your own. Individual care or education programs are offered according to need and patient goals.
A Dietitian is a health professional who has a Bachelor's degree specializing in foods and nutrition, as well as a practical training in a hospital or community setting. The Dietitian helps you with food and nutrition problems that may or may not be related to an illness or disease. By focusing on education and support, the Dietitian can help you to figure out how to make food choices that work for you and your health goals.
Examples of dietary services are:
poor nutrition during pregnancy and related weight changes
Gastro Intestinal problems such as celiac, crohns, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diverticulitis
food hypersensitivity
protein calorie malnutrition
hypoglycemia and other conditions suitable for treatment through diet
Specific Shared Programs:
At risk for diabetes and heart disease
Low blood sugar
Geriatric Care
Osteoporosis Prevention
Smoking Cessation