Mental Wellness Supports
1) A free self-driven workbook specifically focused on coping with uncertainty surrounding COVID19.
The same creators of the workbook also have a podcast directly discussing coping with the pandemic:
The Skillful Podcase Episode 24: Coping with Covid-19
2) Activate Mindfulness is a Meetup group on hosting online mindfulness meetups including yoga and mindfulness classes
3) Curable
This is a paid service that was designed for helping people with chronic pain flare-ups through guided mental health practices, and they are offering most of their service for 50% off and many exercises for free.
4) Weekly Online Series: Connected Care for COVID-19
A weekly, free, mini-series on grounding practices held via Zoom hosted by Wilfrid Laurier University and facilitated by a Guelph-based mental health practitioner
Every Wednesday from 3:00pm – 3:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 3738 6290
5) Support for disordered eating
Christy Harrison’s podcast Food Psych @foodpsych
Canadian Mental Health Association eating disorders program
Information brochure:
Resources page:
Canadian National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
Instant online chat with a support person: 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday on their website: click “Start Chat”
Helpline to talk to a support person: 11am – 7pm Monday to Thursday and 11am-5pm on Fridays.
Call 416 340 4156 or 1 866 NEDIC 20
6) Weekly peer support group Anxiety, Depression and Hope with the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo-Wellington
Occurring Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm by phone
Contact: Meghan Shuebrook, Peer Support Facilitator
7) Togetherall, a free always-open online open forum focused on mental health topics
Conversations are always moderated 24/7 by trained practitioners
8) Suicide Awareness Council Wellington-Dufferin
SACWD is a collective of organizations who have come together to fulfil the missing of helping reduce suicide and its impact on our communities.