September 8-10th, 2023
Shining a light on wellness.
Hosting an Event
The Lighthouse Festival will offer Wellington North and Minto residents low-to-no-cost wellness activities and events during this weekend long festival.
The festival begins with the annual H.O.P.E. Community BBQ on Friday, September 8th at 11:00 a.m. and ends with H.O.P.E.Talks on Sunday, September 10th, 2023, with events & activities running at various times throughout the weekend.
The Lighthouse Wellness Festival will provide residents with new experiences and is a celebration of wellness everyday across Wellington North and Minto.
Visit our new website for all the details and schedule
Want to get involved? Download our information package.
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About H.O.P.E.
Learn more about H.O.P.E. and the activities the committee has been involved in over the years. Background
The H.O.P.E. Committee (Healthy Opportunities Promoting Empowerment - Destigmatizing Mental Health)
has been an active advocate for Mental Health supports in
Northern Wellington County for over 13 years.
Volunteer Opportunities with H.O.P.E.
Interested in volunteering with H.O.P.E. ?
Read our Volunteer Info Sheet.
H.O.P.E. Committee Meetings
The H.O.P.E. Committee meets monthly, on the second Friday from 1-3pm. If you are interested in learning more or attending, please email
Visit our website!
Lighthouse Wellness Festival
September 8-10th, 2023