General Primary Care
The Mount Forest Family Health Team is an interdisciplinary team made up of a mix of health care providers. Our Team works closely with local family physicians and their team. Our team consists of health care professionals working collaboratively to provide comprehensive primary health care services to our patients. Depending on the purpose of your visit, you may be seen by a physician, a nurse practitioner or another health care provider. Your direct primary care provider may be a family physician or a nurse practitioner.
What is General Primary Care?
Same day appointments with a doctor or nurse practitioner to access, diagnose or treat sudden changes in your health like fever, coughs, minor injuries, sore throats or new pain.
Appointments with your doctor or nurse practitioner to follow up about ongoing issues or to assess changes in a long-standing problem.
Renewal of medication prescriptions.
Referrals to surgeons or specialists for treatment or further assessment.
Appointments with your doctor or nurse practitioner to assess, diagnose or treat new issues that have been developing over time.
Allergy shots, B12 injections given by primary care nurses under the direction of a doctor or nurse practitioner.
What will the Family Health Team mean to me as a patient?
Family Health Teams are patient centered. You will have access to a number of primary health care services from a variety of team members. For example:
The nurse may help you over the phone so you don't have to make a visit to the office;
You may see a doctor to have a problem identified or diagnosed and the follow up to manage the problem may be scheduled with a nurse or dietitian;
You may be encouraged by your primary care provider (doctor or nurse practitioner) to sign up for an education group or to attend a clinic e.g Blood Pressure Clinic;
You may request to see the dietitian, or the pharmacist to get more information about how to best manage your health problems;
You or your primary care provider may request counselling for help with relationship problems, personal issues, and mental health concerns.
Interdisciplinary Team:
Our family physicians and nurse practitioners work collaboratively with other health care professionals on our team to provide you with comprehensive primary care services. Our team includes family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered practical nurses, therapists, a dietician, a health promoter, an occupational therapist and a pharmacist. Together, our team provides a variety of primary health care services including:
Cancer screening
Diabetes care
Well baby/child care
Heart disease
High blood pressure management
Lifestyle counselling
Nutrition counselling
Lung disease care
Mental health
Self management support
Pain management
Periodic health exam
Different providers on our team are able to provider different kinds of health services. If you are interested in accessing a specific service from a member of our team please bring it to the attention of your primary care provider or call into our reception.