“Growing into a healthy, rural community.”
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Our Strategic Plan
Our strong and effective team will be the driving force toward creating a seamless system of services close to home by: empowering patients as partners in managing their health; ensuring rural issues are understood by the province and our community partners; and providing collaborative programs that meet patient and community needs.
Our mission is to support patients to help them achieve optimal health within our rural community.
Vision Statement & Values
Our vision is to provide seamless healthcare to our rural community.
Accessible Care – Timely, available and easily understood
Accountability – Being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us
Collaboration – Partnerships with patients, providers and community
Comprehensive Care – Supporting all health care needs
Innovation – Seeking opportunities to improve excellence in healthcare
Respect - Treating each person with dignity and compassion
Services and Programs
The Mount Forest Family Health Team works to offer services and programs that help you to live your life well. In primary health care we focus on helping you with your wellbeing… whether you have a medical diagnosis or not. These services and programs are provided within a team that includes your family doctor or nurse practitioner and could include other health care providers such as dietitians, mental health services, occupational therapy and more.
Become a Patient
You become a patient of the Family Health Team (FHT) by first being a patient of a doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) in our area. Contact Health Care Connect at 1-800-445-1822 or www.ontario.ca/healthcareconnect to help you find a family doctor in your area. If you need to stay connected to your current doctor or NP until you find a new doctor, sign up here: https://wwlhin.hostedincanadasurveys.ca/index.php/776922?lang=en.
Health Resources
Information and resources that matter to you.